Spirit of Your Money Path – Healing Your Money Legacy
Where You Learn to Break Through
Your Money Limitations
Are you pushing money away? Or attracting it to you?
Do you often feel like a victim?
Do you have feelings of powerlessness or helplessness?
Do you avoid situations where money is an issue?
Do you have guilt around money?
Do you spend without thinking about it?
Do you hide your debt?
Are you so afraid to spend a dollar that your friends don’t ask you out anymore and your nickname is ‘the monk’?
This all shows up in your relationship with money!
When it shows up in your relationship with money, it shows up in other aspects of your life as well; most certainly in your personal relationships, other habits and ways you run your life.
Wherever money shows up, the issues will be the same. If it is true that “How you do money is how you do everything in your life” – Where do you see yourself?
Break through to the other side. Release the crazy-making and those familial patterns with a Certified Money Breakthrough Method® Strategist.
The 6 session series takes place in both live tele-seminar and on-line format, for your convenience. This ‘By Registration Only’ series is not a drop in. When you register, you are making a commitment to yourself.
The format of this series is that of Teleseminar with ‘own-work/home-work’ on your own time.
Coming Soon in Webinar Format..
To Register, contact Niki.
Your Money Magnificence is Achievable!